I struggle with am I writing for me or motivated by looking for the response from others. Am I clap-happy? A clap-addict? If so, I stop and rephrase my intent and motives.

I am in a season of my life that I am rejecting 'creativity for $$', so I write for free. My online course is a free launch. The art sketches I am doing - I refuse to create as 'gallery-worthy'. I am seeing what I can do - completely free of price tag mindset. So far, I love it.

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I took a long break last year from June until September. And, then again from October to January. And, then, I only returned here to Substack. This year, I’ve slowly creeped back onto Instagram, but on sneaky, quiet, secret, new account. And it feels so slow and small and right. The time off and away was an incredible sabbatical for me. ❤️

Wishing you a lovely, deep, meaningful, and inspiring summer, Luisa. Hear from you soon. I’ll be waiting with anticipation. 🫶🏻

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Funny as I realise now that I did the same June 2022, and June 2023! Must be a summer vibe!

Good for you Liz, wonderful wonderful realisations.

Will still be eagerly reading your words xo

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Enjoy the time! I can’t wait to see what’s been waiting for you just out of eyeshot…

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I have a sniff of a feeling that fiction is really trying to get my attention! Thank you Caroline xo

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Ooooh. I love this beginning of an adventure…

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Honestly, taking a break from being constantly online does scare me a bit. There's always that fear of becoming irrelevant or missing out on opportunities. But I also know that it's crucial for my well-being and creativity. Without the constant distractions and pressures of social media, I could focus more deeply on my writing. I imagine it would give me the mental space to explore new ideas, develop richer stories, and rediscover the joy of writing without feeling rushed. It might be challenging at first, but in the long run, it could lead to more authentic and meaningful work.

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Terrifying, isn't it. But once you put that aside, incredibly freeing! So glad you're here Mohika, thank you for reading.

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Am I allowed to admit to being envious? I know that's ridiculous, because the same decision is as accessible to me as it is to you or anyone. I think, were I to go deeper into the apprehension, I fear I'd never make it back. It took SO MANY YEARS to finally muster up the nerve, and it is a huge commitment to fit into the interstices of my full-time work. If I relinquish the space and energy I'm currently holding sacred, will I replace them with more work or will I be dedicated enough to pursue another iteration of my dreams, however incrementally?

I know I'm not ready yet, but I have so much respect for your honesty in making this decision. And just in case you weren't sure, yes--my friend--you will be missed.

Go! Explore! Lift off! Soar! 🦋

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Am proud to be the intrepid explorer! Setting out, on foot, and gifting others the idea that *they could quite possibly do the same too* ;)))))) It's all ours for the taking ;))))

Thank you Elizabeth xo

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This is my first back on Substack after taking a few months break. I wasn’t feeling creative enough to share anything, and so I travelled in that time. My energy really shifted and I’m enjoying showing up and sharing my art again.

I’ve also being off instagram for the longest time and it’s been so good for my creative outlet. People might or might not noticed but nurturing your own creativity is more important. My online growth has been a super slow but my inner creativity is more important than stressing about what to post when you’re not creating yourself.

Thanks for sharing, Luisa 🌼

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Oh this is SO true Susan! I do a lot of talking about creating - often more than the actual creating - which makes my heart break. So, thank you, for your words, and for being here xo

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Thanks for reading Gene! Just about to grab my backpack and set off...somewhere... :)

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I been offline for just over a month, put something out the other day. I felt really good, will do it again for sure.

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Brilliant JP, have just seen!

Welcome back. Sure I will see you here again, soon... :)

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You just made my day Luisa, thanks for reading my post.

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I’ve been on a slow withdrawal from social media marketing since late last year. I now find it extremely tedious and it gets in the way of almost everything else I’d rather be doing. I do find that the further away I stay the more energy I have with which to write and create.

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Yes! A slow withdrawal is how I could describe my journey do far too...since possibly 2020, thinking about it. This is now my only online foothold, and I don't want to lose it, but I do want a taste of life without *any*, just for a short while.

Wishing you good choices for your path too Sharon 🖤

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See you soon! 🖤

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I love that this piece found me just as I was peeking back in to the online world after a week of being unwell, feeling instantly overwhelmed by the noise. I hope you revel in your blank page Luisa.

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It's a tricky beast, isn't it 🖤

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Yes! Choosing to step away is so empowering and yet also weird when it’s the opposite of what ‘everyone’ seems to be telling you. I recently decided to move from weekly posts to fortnightly and it feels a bit…. Itchy?! 😂 But I’m going to stick with it for a bit and see how it settles. Enjoy your space! I hope you find something nurturing or exciting or even just breathable within it!

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Good for you Bonnie! I seem to have settled into fortnightly here, mostly, for my previous Substack publications too, without planning a schedule at all. An idea will just pop into my brain a couple of times a month (usually around full and new moon) and I get such an urge to write and publish, immediately! Not sure what I'll do with those now, get them drafted I guess, and then just hold tight to them. Or perhaps they won't even come while I'm on this pause? Either way I will report back soon ;) 🖤

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What a fascinating (and maybe cosmic?) time to read your words as I was just working on an essay this morning about my feelings about coming back online - specifically showing up again on Instagram.

Substack has been a way for me to gently step back into being a person on the Internet, and so far it’s been lovely experience. When it comes to instagram, I don’t know if I can engage in a manageable and meaningful way. I’ve loved having a break, and now I’m wondering has it been too long? What does it mean to show up? What does it mean not to show up? And why do I care if other people care?

I love receiving this. I love this for you. Enjoy every delicious nature filled break that is ahead for you! <3

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You're a star Emmy, thank you for your support.

(I left Instagram entirely 17 months ago. Good move, for me, not everyone I know. Deleted 10 years of business and personal accounts there and Facebook, gone forever. Very cleansing ;)))) ) 🖤

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May 24Liked by Luisa Skinner

enjoy the pull, the space and the conversations you're giving yourself a chance to have! craggy shorelines...ooooh. <3

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Magpies are very chatty ;) 🖤

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Enjoy! It’s always lovely to lean into the need for space. See you on the other side!

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Am excited to find out Kim, it feels both intuitive (listening to what I *really* want/need) and counter (will I lose all momentum I've built online?) but let's give it a try. Nothing changes if nothing changes, right?! Thank you! 🖤

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What a lovely analogy for the breaks we often hesitate to take! I had a years-long “winter” during which I had no creative energy — I had barely enough energy to take care of the basics.

Try as I might to force the creativity to come, I simply could not. The ONLY thing that worked was to give myself time to *truly* rest, and sit in uncomfortable faith that it would eventually come back.

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This is fascinating Elizabeth. If I look back I've barely been 'off' at all in the last 10 years (even if physically off ie Covid lockdowns my brain was always working overtime!) I need the brain quiet, the brain calm, this year...I think a lot of us do. I think many of us have tried to make up for those *lost* couple of years 2020-21 perhaps and there's now an element of burnout. Perhaps. I will report back! 🖤

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