Writing Around The Edges
Writing Around The Edges
Take a walk along a wild coastline with me

Take a walk along a wild coastline with me

A meditation, an uttering, a visualisation
black and white illustration of the sea
Listen to the audio by clicking the ‘play’ button above, or read this guided visualisation quietly to yourself. It’s up to you.
This audio has been recorded today from my driftwood cabin studio, here in the south west of the UK, a stones-throw from my own wild beach. You may hear seagulls, traffic or occasional dog snores.
This meditation is perfect when you’re seeking out purpose, feeling a little lost, or deciding between two potential paths. It’s especially rejuvenating for tired eyes, or to combat too much screen time.
Here’s a track for you to listen along to, as well as my recorded audio should you wish:

Are you sitting comfortably? Then, we’ll begin :)

Resting completely, let the floor, your bed, your chair, hold you entirely. Feel the weight of your body. How its proportions rest equally, front to back, left to right.

Feel a heaviness through all the parts of your body that are in contact with the ground, and a lightness through all parts that are not.

Surrender your tired muscles, your strong bones, your busy mind, to actively resting. To participating in intentional rest. Nowhere else to be. No one else to be. The world can and will wait. Just for now.

Leave your body right where it is and travel now, in your mind’s eye, your imagination. Behind your closed eyes, travel to a wild, remote coastline.

Your first sense of this place is a deep familiarity. One that feels like home. Picture a grey but uplifting coastal landscape, surrounded by moorlands. Rocks of ancient anthracite, flint and granite. Wild moors with specks of amethyst flowers touching almost to the pebbles. And a vast, churning, angry sea.

There is a wind that whips at your buttoned coat, that stirs your hair and that peppers your face with bracing flecks of salt spray. As you stand and observe, a short distance from the wild water’s edge, hardy boots tucking in your trousers, a chunky scarf securely knotted around your ears and neck, hands stuffed snugly into your pockets, you allow your senses to settle over this powerful ocean scene.

Take in all that you can see. Feel how it feels to allow your eyes, whilst surveying this untamed watery landscape, to meander, with the softest gaze, to the furthest reaches they can see. To look off into the distance, as far as you can imagine looking.

illustration of ocean

The storm has brought muted tones to this seascape. As if the sky, the sea and the rocks are one. The more you allow your eyes to drift, the more subtle colours emerge. You find deep purples blending to stony greys, to pale turquoise, topped with an icing sugar dusting of bright white sea foam at the crests of the waves.

Breathe deeply now and drink in all that you can picture in your imagination. All that you can hear. All that you can feel on your roughly-salted skin. The scents of the ocean. The tastes of nature on your lips. Experience all that this experience stirs within you.

Soak it in through your breath, your pores, your eyes, your ears, your palms.

Allow this invigorating landscape to charge you up. Allow the energy of the crashing waves, the age-old rocks, the moors that meet the sea, to move through you. Remember something, long-forgotten. Reminding you, gently, why you’re here. Why you’re here, and why you’re here, now. What are you being nudged to recall?

Pause here, breathe, and wait…

Feel your eyes, deeply rested. Your mind sharp. Your purpose and focus clear. Totally revitalised. Skin salty. Lungs open, expanded, cleansed. Muscles warmed. Heart happy.

Breathe in deeply…and as you breathe out, gently open your eyes.

storm ocean illustration

With love,

x Luisa

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Writing Around The Edges
Writing Around The Edges
Casting spells of gentle encouragement, for those who write around the edges of a busy, beautiful life. Now with a (free) slow reading book club. Currently on a creative sabbatical.
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Luisa Skinner